You will sleep more soundly, allowing the body to fully recharge and heal. You will discover newfound energy and motivation, putting it towards exercise and healthy habits. You will regain your appetite and desire to prepare balanced meals. And with these benefits come an invaluable boost in self-esteem and confidence. Living a How to Choose a Sober House: Tips to Focus on is about more than abstaining from substances. It’s also about taking care of yourself, whether that means eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, or getting some exercise.

  • Knowing what triggers you and what makes you behave in a way that you would otherwise avoid can be a valuable tool in your sobriety.
  • Some use drugs to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions.
  • If you slip into heavy or binge drinking, potential health benefits can quickly become outnumbered by averse affects.
  • They start to exercise, play sports, take up painting or singing, and attend concerts.

It’s no secret that the financial cost of addictive substances really adds up quickly. As your addiction worsened, you likely spent more and more on drugs or alcohol, eventually blowing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks or months. “If [sobriety] turns into a trend where people are more sober than not, our health costs in this country will also go down dramatically, so that will be a good thing,” she adds.

Creative Christmas Gifts for Someone in Addiction Recovery

Without further ado, read this article and learn all you need to know about sober curiosity. Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues. The new reality of Zoom hangouts might not be the most fun option, but they do reduce the need to explain your choice not to drink if you aren’t comfortable telling others about your plans.

Ask any sober person whether they want to go to a cocktail party or stay in with a pack of La Croix, The Crown, and a bathrobe. I’d bet nine out of 10 of us won’t even answer, and we’ll just laugh because it’s such a ridiculous question. Sobriety doesn’t necessarily turn you into Liz Lemon, but it can give you the clarity to understand that you’ve been Liz Lemon your whole life. When I was drinking, it never occurred to me that I was an introvert.

Exercise in Recovery: Why Should You?

In fact, many people view those suffering from addiction as being lazy and crazy. The only true way to avoid this stigma as an addict is to redeem yourself by becoming sober. Once you start living a sober life, people will respect you and your ability to overcome life’s obstacles. Continuous substance abuse can even do things like cause your blood pressure to spike or decrease to an unhealthy range.

sober lifestyle

The CDC suggests a maximum of 2 drinks per day for men and only one drink per day for women. If you’re in recovery, you’re actively taking the steps to address a drinking problem. Everyone’s path along recovery is different, and what works for some may not work for others.

The Phoenix gym in Denver offers a sober-friendly exercise experience

With this guide, we hope you have a better understanding of what sober living is and how to go about achieving it. There are many resources available to help you, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. If you want to detox from drugs or alcohol on your own, it’s important to be prepared for the process and have a solid plan in place.

sober lifestyle

One of the most powerful changes one can make after completing treatment for addiction is to make modifications in the home that support mental wellness and sobriety. Addiction is a chronic disease, which means that it’s something that you have and can manage for the rest of your life. However, some people are more susceptible than others and may need extra support during times of stress or crisis. There will be times when you’re feeling strong and times when you’re feeling weak.

Sometimes being in recovery is just hard and there’s no getting around that. At times, you have to face difficult realities and truths about yourself that can be pretty painful. However, facing these things head-on also greatly increases your self-awareness.

It may help to pick a quit date, or a day when you choose to discontinue use of alcohol or drugs. It’s also helpful to change your environment—for instance, avoid going to bars. There are also resources such as 12-step groups and recovery groups. Living a sober lifestyle can open the door to many things, including improved relationships, better memory and health; more time, money, and energy; and a longer, meaningful life.

What Does a Healthy Sober Routine Look Like?

Fortunately, just as your appearance will improve as you spend more time sober, your overall health will also get better. Consistent drug and alcohol abuse take a toll on your appearance, wreaking havoc on your skin, weight, teeth, eyes, hair, and more. Interestingly enough, you may not even realize all the negative effects drugs and alcohol have had on your appearance until you stop using them and start to see changes. With time, living a sober life can take years off of your appearance, which can also help boost your self-esteem. Although improving your appearance shouldn’t be the only reason you choose to get sober and stay that way, it’s a great perk that comes with it. In addition to support groups, you can also seek help from a therapist or counselor.

The year 2020 is a great new opportunity to continue growing and learning in sobriety. Addiction recovery isn’t always sunshine and roses, but a little bit of help and support can go a long way. If you find that you’re struggling to stay sober, there is plenty of help available for you! Addiction destroys relationships but now you have the chance to develop genuine, lasting relationships with non-drug-using friends and work to repair old ones. While it’s true that some relationships in your life may not be salvageable, many friends and family members are likely willing to work with you to repair the damage that has been done and start over. In fact, you might be surprised to find that many of your loved ones have been waiting to welcome you back into their lives with open arms.