Expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic, so look for support from trusted friends and family, or a peer support group for family members of drug addicts. Talking to others who are facing similar challenges can help you find comfort, reassurance, and new ways of coping. Despite your efforts and your loved one’s best intentions, the truth is that recovery often involves relapse. If that happens, encourage the person to recommit to getting clean and support them as they try again. Each relapse is an opportunity for your loved one to learn from their mistakes and find a new way forward.

I am not sure when his addiction starte d but I believe it’s being going on for a very long time. I didn’t see the signs because I have never used drugs or abused alcohol. I caught him with drugs at home and he reassured me it was a one off and I kind of left it at that. But weeks and months went by and I could see a huge shift in his behaviour. I would wake up in the middle of the night and he had ppl over, not his trusted friends though, some old (but not proper friends) and new friends he had made, or he would be out the whole night.

Five Things Not to Do or Say When Your Loved One Is in Rehab

It not only enables their behavior but it takes attention away from every other member of your family. Helping the addict is a process that involves your entire family, Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Sober House not just the person with the problem. It’s painful to watch your loved one struggle with drug addiction while feeling like nothing you do makes a difference.

  • Participants may fulfill a court mandate by successfully completing this $250 program.
  • If your loved one is using cocaine or other stimulants, there may not be any outward signs.

The eight-week program may be recommended by our medical staff and clinicians, requiring patients to attend multiple sessions of individual, group or family therapy per week. IOP patients received a personalized treatment plan to take home with them, and will also have access to psychiatrists, nurses and drug and alcohol counselors. If you want to help your loved one, start by learning everything you can about addiction, so you can be prepared to encourage them to go to rehab. In addition to the heavy emotional costs, money problems can also mount for families of drug abusers. Heavy drug use can be expensive, as can the cost of rehab and resolving legal problems stemming from your loved one’s drug dependency. Starting a conversation with someone about their drug addiction is never easy, but it’s important you come from a place of compassion and understanding.

What are the different types of court-ordered rehab?

If they turned to drugs to self-medicate a mental health problem such as anxiety or depression, they’ll need to find healthier ways of coping with these issues without resorting to substance abuse. To achieve long-term recovery, it’s vital they tackle both their addiction and their mental health issue at the same time. It got to the point where I had to separate for the health of myself and our children. That time was very painful for all of us and I was so angry, bitter and stressed as I tried to rebuild my life from the mess it had become. He went into treatment and was angry that I had left him when I had said I never would.

Similar to standard outpatient care, intensive outpatient care typically lasts about three months. Intensive outpatient care is also appropriate for those experiencing moderate substance dependency. However, these individuals require more oversight by professionals.

The cost of not seeking treatment for addiction can be more than you can imagine…

If they aren’t ready for rehab, you should hire an interventionist. A professional interventionist knows how to get the most stubborn drug addicts into rehab. Since they’re usually emotionally detached from the person, they make the task much easier. To help your loved one into a rehab program, you need to take certain steps to simplify the process and make it more effective.

Teen support groups are often available in conjunction with these groups. In addition to group support, consider family or individual therapy. Learning about addiction and abuse will also help you understand what your loved one is going through, and how to help him or her better. Having been on both sides of active addition, both the person using, and the person affected by a loved one using drugs and alcohol, Lucas has been involved in recovery since 2009. He has been working in the treatment industry since 2013. In 2020, the opportunity presented to join in and start Illuminate Recovery.

The Six Family Roles in Addiction

You’re already seriously considering treatment – so, congratulations! Now let’s figure out how to get all the pieces in place. You’ll never understand how to help an addict without enabling them until you recognize these dysfunctional dynamics. You can’t help your loved one if you come to their rescue every time.

  • The friends and family of addicts, as well as the addicts themselves, often live in shame and silence.
  • It is difficult to convince an addicted person to seek treatment, especially if they aren’t willing to change.
  • You may worry that your job will be in jeopardy if you do so, and of course there’s the financial concerns of not collecting a paycheck while you’re away.
  • While your insurance plan likely provides coverage for some types of treatment, it may not provide coverage at all levels of care.